Running to the top, 8 km

Course description

The start/finish location is situated in the center of Velinovo village. The course starts on the asphalt road in direction of Filipovtsi village. After about 1 km one arrives at “Pravka” aid station. At this point one has to leave the road and continue to the right and up the slope. A steep climb to the top of Gruynitsa peak (1243 m) in Paramunska Mountains follows. This section gains a little over 400 m of elevation only for about 1.3 km. From the top of Gruynitsa peak, the trail goes over the ridge of the mountain. The trail, after a series of smooth descents and ascents, reaches the important “Paramun” junction (1.6 km from Gruynitsa). From there, with a back to the ridge, starts a steep mountain descent to the west (in this section the trail coincides with a tourist trail with yellow markings). After exiting the forest, the trail turns into a dirt road that reaches an asphalt road (about 2.1 km from the “Paramun” junction). Take to the right (north) and after about 1 km you will reach the start / final location in the center of Velinovo village.

Technical Info

Length 8 km
Elevation gain and loss +560 m, -560 m
Altitude at start/finish location 840 m a.s.l.
Lowest point 820 m a.s.l.
Highest point 1308 m a.s.l.
Aid stations – 1. Stocked with basic food and water! Start/finish location
Time limit 3 hours
Race start 10.05.2025 / 10:00 АМ




Course profile

GPS track (preliminary!)

Click here to download the GPS track


Registration for this course