In this document, General Terms and Conditions will be abbreviated as GTC.
In this document, Tran Ultra Run will be abbreviated as TUR.
Tran Ultra Run (TUR) is an event by the Tran Tourist Association. The same association will be referred in this document as the Organizer.
An essential part of the General Terms and Conditions are the Rules and Privacy Policy of Tran Ultra Run.
The General Terms and Conditions (GTC), along with the Rules and Privacy Policy of Tran Ultra Run (TUR) are part of the agreement between the Organizer and the participant.
TUR will be held on 10.05.2025.
The start/finish location and meeting point are in the center of Velinovo village near Tran in Western Bulgaria.
Competitors are asked to be at least 30 minutes before their start at the start/finish location in order to receive their bib number and timing chip.
The Organizer will send an E-mail with all the latest news a couple of days before the race.
1. Courses and cut-off times
Participants can choose between four courses. The shortest one is called Running to the top (8 km; 560 D+); the next ones are the Two Peaks (13 km; 950 D+) and the Four Peaks Trail (24 km; 1650 D+); the longest one is the Ten Peaks Ultra (54 km; 3400 D+).
The four courses are located in a mountainous region near the city of Tran in Western Bulgaria. Some of the sections of the courses are in hard-to-reach terrain. Participants of TUR, no matter which of the four courses they choose, are aware of the increased risk they are taking.
The Organizer has made a great effort to mark in the best possible way the four courses of TUR. But it is also very important that participants study the courses thoroughly in advance. Detailed course descriptions can be found on the website of the Organizer: If lost, participants must make an effort to find the course or call for help.
Course Ten Peaks Ultra has a time limit of 13 hours to complete and there are three cut-off times at the three last aid stations. Participants leaving these three aid stations after the cut-off times are disqualified. Course Four Peaks Trail has a time limit of 8 hours to complete and there is one cut-off time at the last aid station. Participants leaving this aid station after the cut-off time are disqualified.
2. Race infrastructure
The Organizer provides the following infrastructure:
• Four marked race courses;
• Provisions (provisions are stocked at the aid stations, which are located at the start/finish location and along the courses. All aid stations are described in detail here:;
• Medical service and emergency rescue assistance (at the start/finish location and on several spots along the courses);
• Baggage storage at the start/finish location;
• Information before and during the race.
3. Participants’ personal responsibility and health
Each participant is aware that the TUR puts high demands on their stamina. With this knowledge, starting the TUR is the personal responsibility of each participant. Part of this responsibility is an awareness of one’s own state of health, level of fitness and equipment. It is essential that participants abandon the race as soon as it threatens to become a health risk (for example in the event of a thunderstorm). It is imperative, that the instructions of the Organizer, its authorized staff and event volunteers are followed. The Organizer, its authorized staff and event volunteers can at any time exclude and/or disqualify participants from the race. This particularly applies when their own safety or the safety of other participants is at risk. A refund of the entry fee is in this case not possible.
When encountering health problems or accidents of other participants, athletes are required to administer first aid, call for help and contact the Organizer immediately.
It is absolutely necessary that each participant has an excellent fitness level on the day of the race.
4. Age restriction
One has to be aged 14 or over in order to participate in TUR. Upon collecting the bib numbers the Organizer will check the birth date of all young participants so that it is absolutely sure that one is of the age of 14 or over. All participants aged 14 to 18 will have to attend the race with one of their parents or a guardian who will sign a declaration for the participation of his child/children. Have a look at this declaration here.
5. Registration
Registration is only possible via the online registration form on this website: Participants are not fully registered for TUR until they have completed their payment.
The Organizer has fixed a limit of a maximum of 600 participants for the race. Registrations exceeding this limit are not accepted.
Registration is open until 23.04.2025. Registrations after this date are not accepted.
With the online registration, the participant accepts the GTC of TUR.
6. Cancellation
Cancellations are accepted only if they are sent by е-mail to the Organizer. The е-mail is
Cancellation until 15.04.2025: a cancellation fee of 9 BGN is charged.
Cancellation from 16.04.2025 to 23.04.2025: a cancellation fee of 19 BGN is charged.
Cancellation from 24.04.2025 to 10.05.2025: a 100% cancellation fee is charged, which means that the Organizer will not refund the participation fee paid.
In the event of a no-show and cancellation or interruption of TUR due to force majeure, the participant is not entitled to a refund of the entry fee.
7. Equipment
Weather conditions can rapidly change at the beginning of May in the mountains near Tran. Thunderstorms are quite normal and as a result, temperatures can drop below 10 degrees Celsius within minutes. Therefore it is vital that participants carefully read the mandatory and recommended equipment lists provided by the Organizer. The mandatory equipment can be checked at any time by the Organizer, its authorized staff and event volunteers.
Participants are advised to check the weather report for Tran on the day before the race.
Mandatory equipment:
• Backpack (only for competitors on course 54 km);
• Mobile phone (with fully-loaded battery and switched on at all times);
• ID card;
• Insurance (issued by the Organizer);
• Whistle (only for competitors on course 54 km);
• Emergency provisions (at least one protein bar with approx. 500 calories);
• A water bottle (min. 0.5-liter capacity, for 54 km – at least 1 liter). Have in mind that drinking cups are distributed neither at the start/finish location nor at any of the aid stations;
• Headlamp (only for competitors on course 54 km);
Recommended equipment:
• Backpack (only for competitors on courses 8 km, 13 km, 24 km);
• Trail running shoes;
• Functional running clothes;
• Waterproof jacket;
• Running (walking) poles;
• Sun cream;
• Sun cap;
• Sunglasses;
• Insect repellent (e.g. against mosquitoes and ticks).
8. Safe event execution
The Organizer assures participants of the best possible execution of the event. The Organizer is entitled at short notice and without having to refund the entry fee to:
a) make course changes;
b) to pause and then continue the race;
c) to cancel or not to start the race.
9. Medical service
Аn insurance is issued for every participant of TUR. Euroins Insurance Company is the official insurer and partner of TUR. The insurance compensation includes rescue costs: up to 1000.00 BGN, performed for search, rescue and transportation of the insured to the nearest hospital or doctor from the place of the accident. Larger costs, such as evacuation with helicopter, etc, are at the expense of the participants.
Corresponding with the nature of the courses, medical service is limited to the participants. There is a simple first aid kit at each aid station. On several spots along the courses are members of the Emergency and rescue squad at the municipality of Pernik and there is a medical ambulance at the start/finish location. In case of an emergency, one should try to receive help from other participants and also call for help.
10. Baggage
Each participant has the right to store small amounts of his/her gear. This baggage has to be handed to the aid station at the start/finish location at least 30 minutes before the start of the race. The Organizer assumes no liability for the storage of gear. Do not bring valuables! Carry your ID card with you during the race!
11. Disqualification
Participants will be disqualified if they abandon the course, do not abide by the rules and behave in an unsporting manner. Participants will also be disqualified if they do not cover the intermediate control times (the cut off times) on courses „Four Peaks Trail“ and „Ten Peaks Ultra“. All participants who complete the race after the time limit of a certain course will be marked as DNF in the official results of the race.
12. Legal disclaimer
Compensation claims of the participants towards the Organizer on whatever legal grounds are excluded. This does not apply if the Organizer, his legal representatives, or performing agents acted deliberately or grossly negligent or if damages by injury to life, body or health occurred accountable to the Organizer or through the breach of fundamental contractual obligations result in legal liability.
The participant is prepared to undergo equipment inspections (carried out by the Organizer or its authorized staff) that serve as an assessment of the mandatory equipment. The participant knows and accepts the conditions of participation and the applicable rules to their full extent. He/she states that he/she has read and understood the GTC and rules of TUR. The participant declares that participation in TUR is at his/her own risk.
The organizer does not assume liability for the health risks of the participants in connection with their participation in TUR.
The organizer does not assume liability for lost valuable items, clothing, or equipment.
The organizer is not liable for performance loss eventuating from the participant being inhibited entirely or partly to participate due to legal regulations and/or ordinances by public authorities.
13. Confirmation
With their registration participants confirm explicitly that:
a) they know the nature of the courses and have studied the courses before the race;
b) as participants of TUR, they are sure-footed and in excellent state with regards to their fitness level and health;
c) they are aware of the extremely high personal responsibility with regards to their state of health, fitness level and equipment;
d) they accept the Organizer’s refusal to assume any liability towards the participant;
e) they know and adhere to the rules of TUR.
Rules for participation in TUR
Any breach of the rules may result in disqualification from TUR.
Your health: You know yourself better than anyone else. Check your health condition and assure the Organizer that you do not have health or fitness concerns on the day of the race.
Equipment: You must carry the mandatory equipment, which is described in Section 7 of the GTC.
Be on time: Collect your bib number at least 30 minutes before the start of the race.
Bib number: The bib number has to be worn personally and has to be clearly visible. It entitles access to the race, aid stations and baggage storage. Only one bib number will be issued. Please, keep it safe.
Chip timing system: such a system will be used at TUR. Before the race you will receive a timing chip (together with the bib number). You must attach the timing chip to your bib number properly so that you do not lose it.
Courses: Competitors should follow the markers of the four courses. You must not leave the marked courses or try to cheat. Short sections of the courses coincide with the national road network. Acknowledge the standard road rules. Be aware of traffic and pay special attention while on asphalt roads.
During the race: Take care when running downhill on rocky terrains. If you join a group, take good care of yourself and others. Do not push competitors. If you lose your way, turn back and try to find markers.
Withdrawal: Competitors who retire must advise the nearest aid station. If this is not possible call the Organizer.
Emergency: In an emergency situation call the emergency phone number of the Organizer of the race. You will find it on your bib number. In any emergency case, you can also dial 112.
Decisions: The decisions of the Organizer and his authorized staff are final.
Dogs: They are not allowed to accompany competitors.
Protect the natural world: Protect local ecosystems. Do not litter. Reduce the garbage in your backpack and dispose it only at aid stations. At every aid station and also at the start/finish location there are containers for separate collection of waste. Be a nature-friendly competitor!
Privacy Policy of TUR
The Privacy Policy of TUR was created by the organizer of TUR – Tran Tourist Association. Further in this document, Tran Tourist Association will be called Organizer.
TUR stands for Tran Ultra Run.
The Privacy Policy of TUR was last updated on 11.11.2024.
The Privacy Policy of TUR describes our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of your information when you use our services in regard to your participation in TUR and tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.
We use your personal data to provide and improve our services in regard to your participation in TUR. These services will be called further in this document Service. By using our Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Collecting and using your personal data
Personal Data
While using our Service, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you. Personally, identifiable information may include:
• First and last name (and any other names, which you may have)
• Date of birth
• Personal ID number (only for citizens of Bulgaria)
• Gender
• Membership in a club
• Cell phone number
• E-mail
• Usage Data
Usage Data
Usage Data is collected automatically when using the Service.
Usage Data may include information such as Your Device’s Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.
Use of your personal data
The Organizer collects your personal data in order to organize and run TUR properly and with minimal risk for you. Safety is our first priority. To guarantee a high level of safety during TUR we must collect from you certain personal data.
The Organizer may use your personal data for the following purposes:
• To provide and maintain our Service, including monitoring the usage of our Service.
• To manage your registration as a user of the Service. The personal data you provide can give you access to different functionalities of the Service that are available to you as a registered user. For example, after your register for TUR, you will receive an ID number.
• To contact you by e-mail, telephone calls, SMS, or other equivalent forms of electronic communication.
• To provide you with news and general information about the Service.
• To manage and attend to your requests to us.
• Your date of birth is collected in order to guarantee that you are aged 14 or over. Children under 14 years of age are not allowed to participate in TUR. Apart from that, it is vital to collect the date of birth of all non-Bulgarian participants because without this data the Organizer cannot issue the personal insurance.
• The personal ID number is collected from all Bulgarian participants in order to issue their personal insurance.
Your personal data (except your personal ID number, your cell phone number and your e-mail, and the Usage Data) can appear in publications on the Internet, in printed media, on TV, to speaker announcements and also for notices of start and ranking lists during and right after TUR. Photographs and film material produced in relation to TUR can be used on the Internet, in printed media and TV without entitlement to payment.
The Organizer shares your personal information only with two of his business partners. The first is Race Timing BG LTD. The Organizer has a contract with Race Timing BG LTD. According to this contract Race Timing, BG LTD makes the registration, organizes the chip timing system and summarizes the results of TUR. Apart from that Race Timing BG LTD produces the running bibs and delivers the timing chips for all participants. Race Timing BG LTD uses your personal information in order to offer you specific services related to your participation in TUR.
Our second business partner is Euroins Insurance Company. It will issue each participant personal insurance for the day of the race. For the Bulgarian competitors of TUR, we share with Euroins Insurance Company their first and last names (and any other names, which one may have) and personal ID number. For all foreign competitors of TUR, we share with Euroins Insurance Company their first and last names (and any other names, which one may have) and date of birth. Only with these personal data can Euroins Insurance Company issue personal insurance, which is mandatory for participating in TUR.
By registering for TUR, you automatically consent to the publication of your first name and last name (and any other names, which one may have) and your gender in the start and ranking lists of TUR.
Retention of your personal data
The Organizer will retain your personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will use your personal data from the moment you register for TUR. We will retain your personal data up to 30 days after TUR. Your personal data will be deleted from our database 30 days after TUR. Part of your personal data (first and last name (and any other names, which you may have) and gender) will be retained one year after the race in order to provide people with information about the results of TUR.
Security of your personal data
The security of your personal data is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.
Detailed information on the processing of your personal data
Except for us, as the Organizer of TUR, Race Timing BG (responsible for registration and timing systems), and the insurance company (responsible for issuing the insurances), there is no other service provider that has access to your personal data.
GDPR Privacy Policy
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation.
We may process personal data under the following conditions:
Consent: You have given your consent for processing personal data for your participation in TUR. The consent is expressed by an active confirmatory action, such as the completion of the registration for participation.
Participant declaration: Provision of personal data is necessary in order to issue a participant declaration for you to sign, in order to compete in TUR.
Participant declaration for competitors aged 14 to 18: All competitors aged 14 to 18 will have to attend the race with one of their parents or a guardian who will sign a declaration for the participation of his child/children.
Legal obligations: Processing personal data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Organizer is subject.
Vital interests: Processing personal data is necessary in order to protect your vital interests or of another natural person.
Legitimate interests: Processing personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Organizer.
In any case, the Organizer will gladly help to clarify the specific legal basis that applies to the processing of your personal data.
Your rights under the GDPR
The Organizer undertakes to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and to guarantee you can exercise your rights.
You have the right under this Privacy Policy, and by law, if you are within the EU, to:
• Request access to your personal data. This right allows you to confirm whether personal data related to you are being processed and, if so, the information available on the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data processed, the recipients, the retention period and your rights. This also allows you to obtain a copy of personal data that is being processed, including retention.
• Request correction of the personal data that we hold about you. You have the right to have any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you corrected.
• Object to processing of your personal data. This right exists where we are relying on legitimate interest as the legal basis for our processing and there is something about your particular situation, which makes you want to object to our processing of your personal data on this ground. You also have the right to object to where we are processing your personal data for marketing purposes.
• Request the restriction on processing. You can exercise this right by challenging the accuracy or legality of the data processing.
• Request erasure of your personal data (the „right to be forgotten“). This right may be exercised in respect of personal data which are processed on a ground that has lapsed (eg expired retention period, withdrawn consent, fulfilled purpose of processing, etc.). The Оrganizer has the right to refuse the deletion if it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation, to establish, exercise or defend legal claims and in other cases, which are described in Art. 17, para. 3 of the GDPR.
• Withdraw your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent on using your personal data. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you with access to certain specific functionalities of the Service.
• The right not to be subject to automated individual decisions or profiling with significant consequences for you. We inform you that the Organizer does not apply such automated individual solutions or profiling.
Exercising your GDPR data protection rights
You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting us. Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before responding to such requests. If you make a request to exercise rights, we will try our best to respond to you as soon as possible and in any case no later than one month after receiving it.
You have the right to complain to a Data Protection Authority about our collection and use of your personal data. For more information, if you are in the European Economic Area (EEA), please contact your local data protection authority in the EEA.
Children’s privacy
Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 14. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 14. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal data, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected personal data from anyone under the age of 14 without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers.
If we need to rely on consent as a legal basis for processing your information and your country requires consent from a parent, we may require your parent’s consent before we collect and use that information.
Links to other websites
Our Service may contain links to other websites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that third party’s site. We strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of every site you visit.
We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.
We will let you know via E-mail and/or a prominent notice on our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the „Last Updated“ date at the top of this Privacy Policy.
You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.
Contact us
Tran Ultra Run is organized by the Tran Tourist Association.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us:
Tran Tourist Association
Write us an E-mail: